HSBC is supporting real innovation in energy across the MENAT region

Powering the future

As the need to diversify from fossil fuels becomes ever more urgent, HSBC is at the forefront of multiple finance initiatives across the industry that are helping shift away from oil-driven growth to a better-informed mix of gas and renewables – this in turn helps to address the pressing need to mitigate climate change. Market volatility remains an issue in a region where energy accounts for such a high proportion of the economy, and HSBC has a leading role to play in using financial instruments to stabilise and secure steady growth and investment across the region.

We would be delighted to help your energy firm navigate the challenges of transforming the industry in MENAT.

Energy sector expertise

Outlook is challenging amid COVID-19 and the energy transition period

We continue to support our fossil fuel dependent clients in this volatile environment and transitioning into a lower carbon economy.

As the energy sector transitions to a greener future, the outlook remains bullish. The way forward for the sector involves complex financial transactions, greater privatisation and an international approach.

Energy in transition

Mastering a path is key to realizing the value of sustainable finance and we have identified two main drivers - new policies and access to financial architecture - that can transform energy transition blueprints into reality.

The Green Loan Agenda

Today’s institutional investors are looking for sustainable futures. Green financing is expected to gain more traction, as governments, citizens and consumers gravitate towards companies that can help mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Delivering net zero carbon in Saudi

Pivoting from a world run by fossil-fuels to one that’s powered by renewable energy is going to be a challenge – but one that countries in the Middle East are determined to undertake.

View more sector specific insights


HSBC is helping foster MENAT’s education sector as a driver of growth

Professional services

HSBC is proud to be supporting the sector on its exciting growth trajectory


HSBC is here to help you navigate the unique ecosystem of healthcare in MENAT


HSBC is providing the building blocks to help MENAT flourish

Find out how our expertise can support your growth in MENAT

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